22nd Feb2013

Film Präsentation in Athen

by Fabian Eder

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Film presentation and discussion

with Members of the European Parliament,

at the Information Office of the European Parliament in Athens:

Amalias 8, Sintagma 

on Wednesday, March 6, 2013 

at 17:00

“Greece in bloom” is a film project that was entirely privately organized and funded by an Austrian artist and producer. The film is a journey through Greece, where the author meets the people and shows how they are affected by the financial and economic crisis.

We would be very happy to welcome your active participation to this event.

Organised by

Othmar KARAS, Vice-President of the European Parliament

Anni PODIMATA, Vice-President of the European Parliament

Marietta GIANNAKOU, Head of the Greek Delegation in the EPP Group

with the attendance of Georgios PAPASTAMKOS, Vice-President of the EP

and a video message of Marilena KOPPA, Head of the Greek Delegation in the S&D Group

The event will be followed by a get-together drink.


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